Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cat Proofing the Seedlings - FAIL #2

So we already had one cat beat our attempt to cat proof.  We thought removing the shelf beneath the bay window would solve our problem.  As we are laying down to go to bed for the night we hear a paper rip and noticed we were missing a cat.  We ran upstairs and noticed callie wag in the window with only a small tear in the paper.  We took the following photos but with poor picture quality I'll give you all the pictures so get an idea of what happened.

Callie-wag (also known as Callie, Callie-wag-wizzly, Skiddily-wag, jiggity-wiggity, etc.) behind the contractor paper curtain (no flash so it looks kinda dark and hard to see):
With flash results in a demon-wag look:
 Callie-wag looking for a way out through the tear that Meow made earlier in the day (see earlier blog post for pictures):
 Callie-wag looking for way out in the bottom of the paper:

 You can almost see Callie at the bottom left hand corner after she hopped out of the paper in the hole at the top left, she flew out quickly so it was hard to get a photo.  The lower left hand corner you can see the white shelf that she used to hope above the contractor paper.  So the shelf was about a foot and a half tall, about three feet away from the contractor paper that goes about five feet tall, in other words it was an amazing leap over the contractor paper with minimal damage.
The hole Callie-wag left behind:
We moved the shelf even further away from the contractor paper and hope to make it through the night without anymore damage or mischief.  While Callie was in the bay window she didn't seem interested in the plants, more concerned with finding a way out and not having one.  Hopefully all the kitties have learned their lesson.  I view this incident as funny as hell, John is more concerned about how the plants will fair over night.  Will update if anything else interesting happens.

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