Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fire Pit Day 1

So, we began the construction of our permanent fire pit yesterday, March 28. In all it would take about two afternoons (appx. 8 hours) to complete the build. The pit, is to be about 4' in diameter and about 16" tall. Of that 16" about 14" will be above grade. The bottom layer of stone will be partially buried for stability.

Now, off to the build...

I started off by digging out the area intended for construction. This phase of the build was characterized by a great deal of root and rock removal. Fun to be had, believe me. I then placed the stones to get an idea of the exact orientation and spacing we were going to be dealing with. After placed, site leveling phase one commenced, which retrospectively may not have been necessary.

This pretty much brings day one of pit construction to a close. The real action comes on day two. Dum dum dum...

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